Users Information

Arabic is the most used language by Egyptians, it was found that 79.77% of Egyptians use Arabic on Social Media while 14.08% use English in their conversations, and 6% were either other languages or undetermined by our system

Overall Activity peaks for both Facebook and Twitter

Overall activity peak “time spans” on Social Media are from 15 PM to 00 AM, top Hours are 20 PM and 23 PM, top minutes are from minute 05 to minute 15

Facebook Activity Peaks

Hours 20 and 23 PM, and from 15 PM to 00 AM

First 8 minutes and last 20 minutes of each hour has the most activity on Facebook, It was found that all minutes on Facebook has close average activity numbers, but the minute spans above were slightly above average

Twitter Activity Peaks

Twitter activity peak time spans are from 1 AM to 3 AM and from 13 PM to 16 PM

Minute 6 to 14 has the most activity on Twitter

*It was found that in this time span the activity almost doubles ( this is a different behavior compared to Facebook )

Mosts users use browsers to access twitter, then smart phones as shown in the cloud

Browser (Web)


Blackberry Phone


Android Phone


